The safety of club members, and visitors to our site during shooting days, is our highest priority. Everyone should feel confident in their own, and their fellow air gunners knowledge and practice, of a set of very simple rules. Our safety rules follow a standard format which are used in every shooting situation and everyone attending Iceni Marksmen Field Target Airgun Club, is expected to learn and put them into practice at all times. The committee expects the club membership, to be proactive in promoting airgun safety to fellow members and visitors to the club. A discreet 'word' is usually all that's needed to correct an unsafe practice, particularly with those new to the sport, however, wilful or continuing disregard for these rules should be reported to a committee member. Please be aware that should a report of unsafe practices get as far as committee, it could well lead to the offender being asked to leave club premises permanently!
Under 18's must be accompanied by an adult over 21 years of age at all times. NB. This is a club requirement
If your charge is under 14 years of age, you are required by law to supervise them. NB. This is a legislative requirement and means if you accompany anyone under 14 to the club, you must be 21 years or over and YOU are responsible for their supervision. The club safety officer is on hand to offer advice.
Carry your guns between designated firing points, muzzle up/muzzle down, unloaded AND uncocked
Cocking, loading and firing of guns, is only permitted at the designated firing points, BY THE PERSON TAKING THE SHOT. Designated firing points are only those listed below:-
a) The zero range
b) The pistol range
c) The chrono area
d) The course target lanes
Magazine loading guns must have the magazine removed from the breech when not at a designated firing point.
Do not point your gun at anyone, EVER!
When a whistle is blown once, stop shooting immediately and if a your gun is loaded, fire the pellet into the ground. Two whistle blasts means all clear and safe to continue.
Attendance at, and membership of this club is conditional upon your acceptance and compliance with these simple rules. Contravention may resullt in you being asked to leave the site immediately. The club safety officer is on hand to offer advice.
A copy of these rules is displayed at the club hut and more comprehensive safety rules are contained within your club booklet.
Airgun Safety
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