K D Radcliffe - Our Landlord

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K D Radcliffe - Our Landlord

Postby Andy » 30 Jul 2013, 17:52

K D Radcliffe have a new website, which we would like to promote, and encourage all visitors and members to support, as our local gun shop, and our landlord.


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Joined: 08 Mar 2010, 21:28

Re: K D Radcliffe - Our Landlord

Postby steve-s » 05 Oct 2013, 21:12

I paid a visit to the new shop today, first day of opening, the layout is still a work in progress but the building has a nice feel to it, plus I was buying a new cabinet and it was dead easy to park up and load the car!

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Joined: 05 Oct 2010, 08:23

Re: K D Radcliffe - Our Landlord

Postby Bazza » 06 Oct 2013, 18:34

Mic and I will be visiting Monday to wish Robert all the best in his new premises, oh and give him some rent!

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Joined: 05 Oct 2010, 08:23

Re: K D Radcliffe - Our Landlord

Postby Bazza » 07 Oct 2013, 19:25

As mentioned, Mic and I popped in to the new shop today, nice place and think it has potential once completed and stocked with anything but .22 air rifles. Robert told us that so far he's spent £300,000 on it, there were quite a few issues to be resolved like no guttering and having to waterproof the cellar. We dropped off a new poster advertising the club and the ground rental money-that brought a glint to his eye! ;)
We went on to the club and sorted out the target hut, tidying it up and making room for the generator to be stored at ground level. Hopefully now, we do not have to break our backs getting it up and down the step. :lol:

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